Technical Skills

LanguagesPython, Javascript, HTML/CSS, SaSS, SQL, Bash
FrameworksDjango, D3.js, HTMX, Bulma, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib
ToolsGit, Docker, Github Actions, VS Code, Linux, Redis, PostgreSQL, django-channels, websockets


Preteckt January 2020 – February 2024
Full Stack Software Engineer Memphis, TN
  • As a full stack software engineer at Preteckt I helped reduce technical debt and modernize a large Django project, keeping the project on the latest LTS releases. I designed and built several user interfaces for both internal and external customers, working closely with other teams and departments to optimize the new interfaces to facilitate user efficiency and accessibility. I implemented websockets to better handle loading large data payloads in a React frontend. I also used websockets and HTMX to create a single page-like interface with standard Django functional views that updated based on the actions of other users. I also did a lot work to make the development experience better, including helping to dockerize the development environment, constructing a Javascript build process, improving documentation and testing. I was also part of an employee culture committee, gave several lunch and learns on various topics, and mentored interns and people from other teams.
TechnologiesPython, Django, HTMX, HTML, CSS, SASS, Javascript, D3.js, PostgreSQL, Github CI/CD
Lensrentals May 2019 – January 2020
Software Development Intern Memphis, TN
  • As a development intern at Lensrentals I have learned a lot about React Native based mobile development. The project I was tasked with involved writing several parts of the existing web based Ruby on Rails application as a React Native based solution to run on Zebra’s Android platforms. The goal was to incorporated mobile devices in the warehouse’s workflow to enable warehouse workers to be more precise and efficient.
TechnologiesReact Native, Javascript, Zebra SDK, Android Studio
MD2K (University of Memphis) January 2018 - May 2019
Undergraduate Research Assistant Memphis, TN
  • As an undergraduate research assistant my responsibilities include documenting the existing codebase, developing applications to help demonstrate the functionality of the system, writing functional tests, and maintaining the Gitlab CI pipeline. My last work project consisted of implementing a way to package data collected from phone sensors into MessagePack files. These files were then uploaded to the cloud and converted into Parquet files to streamline the cloud architecture.
TechnologiesJava, Android, Android Studio, Gitlab CI, SQLite, MessagePack, Parquet, Pandas, Python


University of Memphis August 2016 - December 2019
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Memphis, TN

Community Involvement

  • Memphis Technology Foundation Board Member since 2019, Memphis Keebup Organizer in 2019, Memphis Givecamp volunteer (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024), Seattle Givecamp volunteer in 2021, speaker at Athena Teche in 2020

Professional Interests

  • Accessibility, Usability, Data Visualization, Linux, and Open Source software

Personal Interests

  • American Sign Language, Knitting, Keyboard building, and Board games